Apr 4, 20233 min



Happy Monday babes!!!

Happy MF Monday!


I’m making this a bigger deal than it is.

It’s not a big deal.

At all.


But it sort of is bc a while back I wrote a blog saying I really didn’t prefer to sign a deal with this company because of how they low ball their clientele.


So who is it?

You know who it is.


It’s Fashion Nova.

I know…

I know.

I know I said I wasn’t going to but I did.

But for a very good reason.

My agents denied their original $ offers & made sure to negotiate a low deliverable on my end with higher $$$.

So I said yes.

Why not?

I wear their clothes anyway.

I just never advertise that it’s theirs.

And this negotiation was made on my terms.

We love to see it.

So when you see me post them on my IG you won’t be like…



Just know…

The price was right!

Can I get an amen?



So you know what’s funny?

I actually wore 3 specific Fashion Nova outfits & posted them without promoting them.

On my breakup podcast, I was wearing FN.

& on a night out to Craig’s for dinner in LA with Deb I was wearing FN.

& again on ZC The Podcast.


I didn’t promote them.

They took notice of that and decided to chirp at me.

I turned down the first deal.

It was low AF ($).

But generally what the other influencers are being paid.

I stood my grounds and the deal got better.

So a lesson in life…

Always know you can do/get better.

Have pride.

Believe in yourself.

That’s really what this blog is about.

You Deserve More

Often times we don’t find ourselves worthy of achieving or receiving certain things.

We may believe we are worthy but not worthy enough to command or take a risk to receive them.

We can get into the routine of life & assume every day will be similar so why expect more?

Why demand for more?

Well bc you deserve more.

We all do.

Each & everyone of us.

I’ve said before the Earth has a mandate to relinquish its riches to you.

We were all given that right.

So believe in more.

Command more.

Expect more.

Aside from FN!


You know there had to be a little something else.

Bc FN…

That’s cool!

Of course.

But not groundbreaking.


Nothing to phone home about especially since I’ve signed deals with similar brands.

But this next thing…

I still cannot tell you specifically.

Bc you know how I am when it comes to sharing things that aren’t locked & loaded.


I think once it IS locked & loaded you will be very happy to hear about it.

So I’m low key manifesting it by putting it out there here on ZC!

It has to do with acting & hosting.



It’s extremely exciting guys.

And a move in the right direction.

So I could use your prayers.

I’m ready to pop TF off!

The humility is cute.

& I will remain humble.

But I’m ready for some LOUD success!

Especially when it comes to you guys & claiming exactly what you've always seen for me.

I want to make you proud.

Feel me?


Side Note (For those interested):

I advise any of you who may be interested in influencing or simply receiving free things from brands you love to buy their products & advertise for them.

Even with the smallest following brands can still gift you.

There are many out there who aren’t even considered micro influencers who brands are more than happy to gift to.


Last But Not Least

The reason you're here is not only to support me & each other but to receive first dibs on all things ZC!

The trailer for ZC The Podcast drops this week.

So the girls and I will begin advertising.

But you know I had to show you the advertisement first.


So here it is...

I also would like to know in the comments if you guys would like a private link to watch the Villa Girls 4L Podcast on Saturday April 8, 2023 before the rest do.

If so I will post a private link to it for you guys here on ZC so you can watch Saturday before the rest of the world does.


I'll send an email out.

If you don't get it just visit ZC!

Just gotta promise me you'll save your comments or repost them on the April 9,2023 drop that everyone else will be watching.

I know you will.



That’s it for this Monday.

I love you.

You know this!

***Journals are still in production***

I’m really excited for their release.

Though they will be later on.

Getting things produced and ready for sale is a very new venture for me.

It’s quite tedious & takes time.

But it’s cool.

I’m learning the ropes.

There’s a whole lot for ZC that I can’t wait to embark on & I feel my journey with these journals is the first step.

Thanks for your support with it all.

See you next week.

Right here.

Same day.

Same time.


Baby Z