Feb 27, 20236 min


Hello, Hello, Hello… ZC NATION!

It’s Monday!

So we back BABY!

We meet again.


Happy Monday guys!

Happy fuxking Monday.


Don’t mind me!

I’m just in a good mood.

& I love that for me.

But I love that for you too bc you’re here right now & the transferring of energy is powerful!

This is why I need to sort out which platform to record my audio blogs on ASAP!

So you can hear me as well should you choose to on the days you need to hear my frequencies VS read them 👂🏾


I’m sorting it out though.

I am.

You just can't rush perfection.


Anyway my loves.

Todays topic is a goodie.

& I would like to preface it by saying this...

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit came & whispered something to me a few weeks ago that I am continuously going to try to remind myself of from here on out.

It said to me…

For as long as your mum is alive try not to complain about a THING!

I thought... wow!

Bc my mum is truly my everything.

I can’t stress it enough.

I unfortunately fear everyday about the day she will inevitably leave me & it gives me the utmost chills.

I can’t imagine a life without her though I know the day will sometime come.

I do not have control over that.

But I’ll be damned if I continue to complain about things in life when I have the biggest blessing of all here to help me through those tough times.

My mum 🤍

How blessed am I?

Bc when she goes.

Then what?

I know I will be wishing every positive that happens in my life after her included her.

So I made a pact with myself.

Until the day she leaves my side I ain’t complaining about NOTHING.


& maybe that's a bit silly.

I know I’ve got a FEW complaints left in me in this life.


Bc life will never stop doing what it does.

However what I can control is my choice to find the blatant beauty in it despite all of its issues that it comes with.

So that can be anything for any of you.

But for me that beauty is in my mum being alive & healthy TODAY!

So there’s my positivity for today & the rest of my days guys.

For those who have lost their mums or their fathers, my heart goes out to you.

I’m sure what I’m saying hits home even deeper for you.

But I say all of this to say…

There is ALWAYS something to find joy in so long as you’re here!

& when that thing changes there is always something else.

As I continue to journey through this life & it’s ups & downs I am forced to ask myself this question a lot.

What is happiness?

And where is it located?

Happiness is typically deemed to be attained by achieving some sort of goal or material possession.

Something tangible.

Although these things can absolutely facilitate happiness I am beginning to realize that this a way to set yourself up for failure in the long run.

When we operate from this place then almost immediately when we haven't achieved a goal or a material possession then we are not happy.

Because true happiness is getting to live in harmony with your body, your mind & your soul.

True happiness is enjoying your own company.

True happiness is not reliant on any other being.

True happiness is living in your purpose.

Knowing that your purpose only has to make sense to you.

& trusting in your own intuition.

Happiness is finding joy in that which you already have.

Seeing "old" things that you have in a new light.

From a different perspective/angle.

The other day I looked at my apartment that I've been in for 5 years now.

And I thought...

"I can't believe I live here"

"I can't believe I get to be sad here"

And the joy that gave me was immeasurable.

This Past Month

Over the last 4 weeks I have learned a lot.

I am continuously learning but I have learned & truly registered within me something valuable.

As I have said to you guys on my previous blogs...

My emotions have been up & down.

I've had MANY random bouts of sadness.

Ones which I could not pinpoint the source of.

I kept trying to ask myself...

"Why am I feeling sad?"

"How do I change this?"

"What's wrong with me?"

& I kept thinking it was something I had to fix.

But the answer was NOTHING.

Nothing was wrong with me & nothing needed to be fixed.

Mind you...

Of course no one WANTS to feel sad.

It's not the most fun emotion to feel.


But I was able to realize something really valuable in one of my moments of sadness.

I finally realized...


This is simply a part of the story.

We cannot feel happy all the time.

It's what we choose to do or how we choose to look at that sadness that makes the difference.

Advice that made a difference in my thoughts

I remember over 7 years ago my pastor at "One Church LA" Pastor Touré saying...

Life is mostly comprised of "in the meantime".

So until you find comfort & joy in the "meantime" you will always be searching for happiness.

It will never be where you are.

We are consistently waiting for when we get that job, that promotion, that car, that title, that relationship... to be happy.

But those moments in life are milestones & they take time to achieve.

If we are always waiting for that then majority of our life we are living in a state of lack & want for something more.

That's no way to live at all.

We must find happiness in the meantime.

It's imperative.

So when these random bouts of sadness hit me this past month...

I did something I hadn't done in the past.

Instead of sit in my sadness, I powered through it.

I kid you not I was shocked with myself.

Instead of sit in sadness I got things done.

As I was doing them I still didn't want to do them.

But I did a little dance with myself mentally.

I would ACCEPT that I didn't want to do them.

& I would huff & puff through them.


I got them done.

And let me tell you...

I have NEVER EVER EVER felt so accomplished & proud of myself in my entire life.

Most of the time I accomplish certain things only when I'm feeling up for it.

Only when I'm already "happy".

But pushing through those bouts of sadness & accepting them as normal gave me so much clarity post completion of tasks.

I even chose to speak up to ANYone who asked me how I was doing about what I was going through!

There was SO much power in it.

They'd say how are you doing?

And I'd say...

I'm doing alright but I've been dealing with random bouts of sadness & pushing through them.

There is something so freeing about being honest about that rather than keeping it to yourself.

And the most positive thing about it is that you not only get to liberate yourself but you get to liberate others.

Bc 9/10 the one you are talking to is either experiencing the same thing... has experienced the same thing or will experience the same thing in the future & will now have that planted seed of normalcy & motivation when that feeling arises for them moving forward.

Getting to look back at my last few weeks & see how much I accomplished in "sadness" gave me a jolt of happiness I didnt know was attainable.

It was a major pat on the back moment for me.

And I really want to share that with you guys.

I know that for most mothers it's not even a choice to get things done even when experiencing sadness so MASSIVE props to the mothers out there.

And props to those that don't ever have a choice but to get it done & you get it done.

You are moving through this life...


And you're an unstoppable being in my eyes.

This week it truly hit me in my bones that sadness should be appreciated.


Because in order to appreciate freedom you must be deprived of it.

In order to appreciate sunshine you must know rain.

I really use to hear what was being said when that was being said but still manage to be annoyed with the sadness when it came around.

But now...

Oh but now.

I am welcoming it.


Not happily of course.


But if & when it decides to stroll through I know what to do with it.

I will hold its hand, accept it, & dance with it.

Well my babes...

That's it for today!

There is indeed a new Q&A video up on YouTube!

Click below to view it.

I hope you enjoy it.

I love you all beyond measure.

Talk soon! x


Baby Z